Lessons We Learned
So much has happened in 2020 that it is hard to keep it all straight.
If the backdrop of a bruising presidential race and nationwide mass protests against the death of Black individuals in police custody over the summer weren't enough, a worldwide pandemic that has killed more than 344,000 people in the United State and nearly 2 million globally shook our foundation to the core.
No wonder people were eagerly awaiting the opportunity to officially turn the page to 2021.
With the year coming to a close, I was curious what had people learned. So I asked those I met on walks and photo assignments, “What have you learned in 2020?” I would take their portrait on a Polaroid. They then told wrote down their answers on the bottom of the frame.
The large variety of answers provided positivity, showing Lincoln was full of hope and understanding despite the challenges of 2020.
Rather than looking forward and making trite resolutions, these people looked inward at the lessons of a challenging year — one that won't easily be forgotten.
(Published January 1, 2021)